Master Craftsmen & Architectural Metal Cladding
How many years does it take for anyone to become a master of their profession? Did these masters ever make mistakes? Of course they did and that is why they are the masters!
After more than 30 years installing metal roofing and cladding products on major commercial projects we were masters in roofing & roof plumbing. To expand on our skills we thought a business installing architectural cladding was a natural progression.
We had a passion for the products and we had a desire to work with these stunning materials. We also knew there was a missing element, an ingredient that would allow us to deliver the quality we wanted. The ambition to achieve stunning results was not the element we needed, we already had that. We needed a master craftsman.
So we prepared with patience.
Patience and opportunity
Our patience paid off almost three years ago. I received a call from a friend asking me if I was still looking for a skilled architectural cladding person. My friend had a connection with a business owner who was looking to get the monkey off their back. Not only did this person have years of experience in the industry they also wanted to bring along key people from their current business. They also knew the value of a master craftsman.
This was the opportunity we had been waiting for.
Why Zinc Cladding Australia was created.
Architectural metal cladding projects provide a sense of achievement that not many other projects can provide. The smallest architectural cladding installation can rival the largest commercial installation for pride of participation. Properly installed architectural metal cladding can outshine all others.
Zinc Cladding Australia was created from a passion to use modern contemporary products combined with traditional installation methods to provide stunning results.
- Natural metals will form a beautiful patina over time
- Secret fixings provide seamless design
- New products can provide amazing weathered finished
- Metal cladding have been used in roofing for centuries.
- Attention to detail is critical for the best results when installing architectural metal cladding products.
In the very near future Zinc Cladding Australia will have completed well over 100 architectural cladding projects.
We will celebrate this milestone knowing it never would have been possible without our Master Craftsman.